Aerial Electric does not only work on new construction projects, we can assist with renovation and retrofit projects as well. Below are a few renovation projects we have worked on with our contract partners.

200 Henry Street

Four different six-story connected Mill buildings renovated into 225 apartments. This building was the historic Yale Town & Lock Manufacturing Building, where most Yale locks were made.


    Location: Stamford, CT
    Developer: BLT
    Number of Units: 225

Mercury and Orpheum Buildings

20 & 21 story high rise narrow towers that were part of New Jersey Medical College and used as dormitory rooms.

Building renovation started with the intent of repurposing into Condominiums however, construction halted with the Great Recession of 2008.  Upon continuation, we faced many challenges such as,

  • Installing second electric service
  • Tight construction schedule
  • A Fire alarm system interconnected with the overall campus – 2 of which fully occupied.

Mercury (135 units) Working with our bus duct supplier we successfully found a path for a bus duct riser straight from the basement through all floors to the 21st floor.  A very demanding owner drove the schedule and all trades.

Orpheum (157 units) started after the Mercury completion.  The main building was connected to an Annex building where the new electric service would be installed.  Engineering a pathway for two bus duct risers first vertical for 4 floors, then horizontal and under a connecting bridge, then vertical for 20 stories was difficult to layout, a challenge to install.

Both buildings were successful in phased C of O and move-ins.  With various types of environmental concerns, workers safety was taken to a higher level

    Location: Jersey City, NJ
    Developer: Dinallo Construction Co

333 State Street

Seven-story bank building headquarters.

    Location: Bridgeport, CT
    Developer: Carlson Construction

230 East Ave

Old Mill type Factory Building converted to 47 residential units with ground floor and rooftop amenities with mixed-use leasing space on the first floor of the building.

    Location: Norwalk, CT
    Developer: A Papa John
    Number of Units: 47

Aerial Electric specializes in all electrical aspects of MDUs, from design-assist and initial budgeting through occupancy. To find out how we can help your construction or retrofit project contact us today!